Classic apple turnover with Belgium Jonagold apple
Mixing Spiral
00:02:00 - 1st Speed / 00:02:00 - 2nd Speed
Dough Temperature
16 °C
Cooling and lamination
Make flat and rectangular on a tray at 7mm and place in the freezer for 30 minutes until you obtain the right concistency between your fat and your dough.
Give one double fold and one single fold (12 layers). Flatten down to 18mm then put in the fridge at 4°C and rest overnight. Give one double fold and one single fold (144 layers). Flatten down to 18mm then put in the fridge at 4°C and let rest 4 hours before cutting.
70 grams
Final Lamination
Final lamination
Roll out to 3mm and cut out oval shapes of 70g. Glaze the edges with water or eggwash and fill with 35g of Topfil Apple 86%. Close well, flip over and press again on the seam.
Manipulation After Make Up
Let them rest for 2 hours in the fridge before brushing a first time with eggwash (50% whole eggs mixed with 50% egg yolks). Let the eggwash dry and brush a second time. Once the second layer of eggwash is dried, make incisions on top. Pick one time on the top to let the steam go out.
Oven Temperature
220ºC Top / 210ºC Bottom
Baking time
Oven Step 1
220 ºC Top / 210 ºC Bottom
Time: 00:30:00
Final Step
Brush with sugar syrup or harmony sublimo
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